Saturday, February 14, 2015

Call for Proposals - Active Learning Forum

2015 National Forum on Active Learning Classrooms (NF-ALC) at the University of Minnesota Active learning captures the best aspects of student learning by prompting students to become active learners rather than passive recipients of information. See the call for proposals below from the National Forum on Active Learning Classrooms. 
Deadline for submissions is April 1, 2015.

The third National Forum on Active Learning Classrooms will take place on August 5-7, 2015 at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.

Held in Robert H. Bruininks Hall—the largest SCALE-UP installation in the world—the Forum builds on the success of previous events with an expanded set of preconference workshops, demonstrations, posters, roundtables, and paper presentations.

Take a look at our website below for registration and for additional details about the Forum. Paper, demonstration, roundtable, and poster submission deadlines are April 1, 2015. We encourage you to send along this note and website to any of your colleagues who may be interested in attending or presenting.


For more information, contact:
David Langley, Ph.D
Center for Educational Innovation
Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
University Office Plaza Suite 400
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Friday, February 13, 2015

Call for Papers - Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology

Faculty use a variety of methods to enhance student learning. Many of these innovative techniques are facilitated by the use of technology. Please see the call for papers from the Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology. The call for manuscripts is open continuously. 

The Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology (JoTLT) is an international journal dedicated to enhancing student learning through the use of technology. We will be focused on teaching at the university level and will not be accepting manuscripts relating to teaching in the K-12 area. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss what does and does not work when using technology.

We will accept four types of manuscripts:

Quick Hits: A Quick Hit is a brief contribution describing innovative procedures, courses, or materials involving technology (1500 words or less). Each contribution should include sufficient detail to allow another educator to use the Quick Hit in his or her own course. Manuscripts for consideration as Quick Hits should be submitted using the journal website: If you would like to share links, podcasts, etc this can be accommodated – please contact the journal staff.

Empirical Manuscript: Manuscripts in this category should provide qualitative or quantitative evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of the technology in increasing student learning. Each manuscript should include sufficient detail to allow another educator to use the technology in his or her own course. Manuscripts for consideration as Quick Hits should be submitted using the journal website:

Book Reviews: Book Reviews can be submitted for recently published works related to teaching and learning with technology. These manuscripts are typically less than 1500 words in addition to the complete citation of the book and the publisher’s description of the book.

Case Studies: These studies illustrate the use of technology in regards to teaching and learning of higher education students, usually generalizable to a wide and multidisciplinary audience.

Peer Review:
All submitted papers undergo blind review. Please include all identifying information on the title page only. The title page will not be sent to the reviewers. First, all manuscripts are initially reviewed by a member of our international editorial board to ensure that they meet our standards. Then, each manuscript will be peer- reviewed by at least two of our reviewers.

Open Access:
Both the Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology (JoTLT), and the Journal on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL) are open access. Print copies will be made available as requested.
Any questions should be directed to Kimberly Olivares, Managing Editor:
Kimberly Olivares, MA, PMP
Asst. Director of FACET for Strategic Outreach
Managing Editor, JoSoTL & JoTLT

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Frankly Friday - Class Size in an Age of Accountability

What will happen to class size in an age of accountability and focus on performance metrics?
Friday, February 13th, 2015, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Faculty Lounge, Building 16, Room 4201

The Florida Board of Governors has set performance metrics by which funding will be determined for schools in the state university system. These metrics encourage universities to provide a college degree with lower expenditure per student and higher graduation rates. Campuses across Florida (and across the united states) are adjusting to new funding models that focus measures of success on financial bottom lines. These pressures are bound to affect what happens in the classroom. The University of North Florida has as part of its brand the notion that students can expect smaller classes, compared to other alternatives. The average class size for UNF is 32. Come and discuss the implications for faculty, teaching, and learning in the context of tightening budgets. The Office of Faculty Enhancement will provide coffee and breakfast items.

Promotion and Tenure Panel

The Office of Faculty Enhancement invites faculty to the annual Promotion and Tenure Panel discussion.

Promotion and Tenure Panel
Wednesday, April 8th, 2015, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Talon Room, Building 16, Room 4203
Please join faculty from across the campus for the annual Promotion and Tenure Panel discussion. Dr. Earle Traynham, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, along with representatives of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee and faculty from across the campus will discuss the criteria for the awarding of promotion and tenure and will address the many factors that are involved in successfully navigating the tenure and promotion process. Assistant, Associate, and new faculty members are especially encouraged to attend. A reception will be held following the event in the Faculty Lounge.

Higher Order Thinking: Testing Deep Learning with Cognitive Maps

The Office of Faculty Enhancement invites faculty to attend an upcoming workshop on higher order thinking. 

Higher Order Thinking: Testing Deep Learning with Cognitive Maps
Monday, February 9th, 2015, 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Student Union, 58W, 3804
An essential quality of higher education is providing opportunities for students to develop higher order thinking as they approach a variety of topics. Faculty construct assignments that will challenge students to think beyond the obvious and construct complex, evidence-based, and reflective products that demonstrate this higher order thinking style. It can be difficult and time-consuming to detect subtitles of higher order thinking in student work. In this workshop, faculty will share models of assessing higher order thinking through concept maps and structured observation. Come and share your ideas about higher order learning and pick-up some time-saving tools for evaluating complex learning.