Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Robert Duke Tweets

Notes from the below Robert Duke Presentations can be found on Twitter with the associated hash-tags:

Why Students do not Learn What We Teach: Course Redesign #DukeRed

Class Time is Thinking Time #DukeThink

Additional notes from previous seminars can be found on the OFE Conference Updates homepage.

Monday, April 4, 2011

What's Hot in Allied Health Funding

Health issues have received quite a bit of attention in the media in recent months. In an upcoming research collaboration session, faculty at UNF will discuss opportunities for collaboration within the field of Allied Health. See the details below.

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) and the
Office of Faculty Enhancement (OFE) will sponsor a collaboration
session on What’s Hot in Allied Health Research Funding.

The participants will teleconference with Program Officers at
the National Institutes of Health (NIH) who will discuss current
trends in Health related funding and who will answer
questions from the group about future funding opportunities.

The participants in small, multidisciplinary groups then will
discuss opportunities that exist at UNF that match these
current trends in the field. Researchers in the Allied Health
field as well as those in associated or supportive fields are
encouraged to bring their ideas and to discuss possibilities
for collaboration with other researchers at UNF.

The event will be held:
Friday, April 8, 2011
10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
UNF Student Union West
Building 58W, Room 3806

Class Time is Thinking Time with Robert Duke

I would like to invite you to join Dr. Robert Duke, author and renowned educator, for a free workshop sponsored by the College of Arts & Sciences and the Office of Faculty Enhancement titled:

Class Time is Thinking Time
11:00 AM - 12:00 noon
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Student Union Ballroom, 58W/3703

The College of Arts & Sciences and the Office of Faculty Enhancement (OFE) will sponsor a presentation by, a Dr. Robert Duke is  the author of Intelligent Music Teaching: Essays on the Core Principles of Effective Instruction and the Marlene and Morton Meyerson Centennial Professor and Head of Music and Human Learning at The University of Texas at Austin.  In this presentation, titled "Class Time is Thinking Time," Dr. Duke will address why formal education often fails to make substantive and lasting changes in how learners think and behave, and he will encourage us to design learning experiences that lead to advantageous changes in cognition, affect, and behavior, all of which are components of expertise in every discipline. Come and join the discussion and learn some helpful tips on applying the science of human learning to the classroom and beyond.